April 27, 2021

Natanya Katz is a Canucks Autism Network (CAN) support worker. This past World Autism Day, she was one of nine individuals on the spectrum who shared what autism acceptance means to them in our video with EY:

For every comment or share on the video until Apr 30, EY will donate $2 to CAN.
See the post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIN!

Throughout the month, we have been taking turns expanding on the stories of each of our video participants. So we asked Natanya: What drives her to work for CAN? What should people know about autism? And why is autism acceptance important?

“It’s important to accept, be open to everyone and enjoy everyone’s unique and individual personalities and abilities,” Natanya said.

As a young woman on the spectrum, her lived experience fuels the understanding and compassion she brings to our programs. Natanya has been with CAN for just over two years. Before being hired as a support worker, she started as a volunteer, supporting kids in our summer programs.

In addition to supporting CAN camps & weekly programs, Natanya (2nd from right) has also volunteered at fundraisers & family experiences!

“My favourite memory at CAN was Overnight Camp on Keats. I remember encouraging one of the campers to let me take him out on the water in a kayak. We saw dozens of seals. His excitement was so rewarding.”

That summer alone, Natanya volunteered in two week-long summer day camps and a full three days at Keats – tirelessly supporting our participants in a range of scenarios.

The following season, Natanya jumped in the pool to support our weekly swimming lessons. Overseeing our swim program at our JCC location in Vancouver was Kaitlin Sterndale-Bennett. Recalling Natanya’s time as a volunteer, Kaitlin had particularly high praise:

“I cannot speak highly enough about Natanya. As a volunteer, she was naturally responsive to the kids, excellent with our visual tools and calm under pressure. She was one of the strongest individuals in the pool.”

Needless to say, Natanya was quickly hired on as a support worker. Her tireless energy, natural ability and clear dedication to helping others are such a benefit to our participants.

Today, she works in CAN’s Active, Multisport, Skate and Music programs.

“I want people to know that people on the autism spectrum are just like everyone else. We have goals and dreams. And we work hard to be successful and achieve them.”

We are so lucky to have individuals like Natanya supporting our participants and families. In addition to guiding our participants in their skill development, she is showcasing first-hand how individuals on the spectrum can lead the way in their community.

Read more from individuals on the spectrum:

Sebastian: Living a life I like

Sylvain: Changing my thoughts about autism

Jack speaks in front of entire school

Nate: What I want you to know about autism

Ryan: “This will all be over soon. I promise!”


April 23, 2021

As we continue to highlight those who donate their time at CAN, we introduce you to Morgan Painchaud in Kelowna. Morgan is one of the many volunteers who have since been hired as a support worker in our programs.

Despite making the transition to staff, Morgan still volunteers by organizing fundraisers that benefit the programs she works in! In the past three years, she’s helped organize two unique events that have brought in a combined $4,500+ for CAN! Incredible.

One of them took place this past weekend – a city-wide treasure hunt with Treaze. Find out what motivates Morgan to do SO MUCH for CAN in our Q&A with her!

What programs have you volunteered for?

Since joining CAN as a volunteer in 2017, I have been a part of Active, Multisport, Gymnastics, Weekly Youth & Adult and Summer Day Camps.

I have been very fortunate in the past four years to have the time to put into such a great organization. Between programs and and planning fundraising events, I have accumulated over 100 hours of service for CAN.

I am very grateful to have had so many opportunities to learn about, advocate for, and provide support to autistic children, youth, and their families.

CAN’s Active program with new COVID protocols and physical distancing.

Why did you choose to volunteer with CAN?

I was looking for something I’d be excited for on a weekly basis. Upon learning about CAN, it seemed a little too good to be true.

Hanging out with kids, playing games and being active was the perfect scenario. I can confirm that it’s just as good in real life as it seems on paper!

Tell us about the transition you made from volunteering to become a staff member!

Each week was so fulfilling. Volunteering with CAN gave me the tools to feel confident in supporting individuals with diverse abilities. I’m forever grateful for that.

Seeing how much fun CAN participants have each week and seeing their skills grow has been such an amazing experience. This past Fall, I wanted to take on more responsibility at CAN, so I took the steps to transition into a support worker role.

Since then, I have been lucky enough to become a virtual coach for the CAN Science Club, continue to support Active & Multisport and will be taking steps to become an in-person coach this Spring.

You’ve helped organize two fundraisers for CAN in the two years. Tell us about them!

I was involved in planning and facilitating Country for CAN back in June 2019. Several local BC country musicians came together for a benefit concert. We hosted a 50/50 raffle and a silent auction. The night was such a blast and we successfully raised over $2,500.

This past weekend, a fellow CAN volunteer (and my close friend), Nina Gaspari, joined me in planning a COVID-friendly and socially-distanced scavenger hunt with Treaze. With the support of amazing local companies, we raised over $1,500.


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What is your favourite memory  volunteering with CAN?

There was one particularly challenging session. I felt like I was struggling to demonstrate the skills my participant needed to work on.

The parent was watching on the sidelines and approached me afterwards. They told me that they had never seen their child so chatty and excited to come to programs before!

It was such an important moment for me. Even though I felt like I was struggling to support them, the parent was just so appreciative that they had a place they wanted to come to.

I feel like that’s the true success of any CAN program – the ability to instill confidence in each individual so that they may feel understood and included. That’s the first step in developing their skills and forming social connections, no matter the activity or community setting.

For anyone looking for a place where autistic youth are supported. Or anyone wishing to provide that support – I can’t recommend CAN enough!

More volunteer stories!

Nina Gaspari: “Be kind to one another”

Meet Austin: Helping give equal opportunity

Sebastian: “Living a life I like”

Kyle Boyle: Why I volunteer for CAN

Former hockey player gives back at CAN skate



April 19, 2021

This National Volunteer Week, we want you to meet some of the amazing individuals who give back so generously in our programs. From across the Lower Mainland, Kelowna, Kamloops, Victoria and Nanaimo, we are so lucky to benefit from hundreds of volunteers.

Austin Pietramala has supported CAN participants in both Kelowna and Kamloops since 2017. We asked him why he got involved with CAN and what continues to drive him to give back!

Which programs have you supported with CAN?

I have volunteered for Multi-Sport, Swim, Bike, and Skate in both Kelowna and Kamloops!

What motivated you to volunteer with CAN participants?

I have played organized sports throughout my life and understand the effect that it can have on young children growing up. I know it helps with the development of social and motor skills.

But mainly, sports provides kids with the opportunity to just be kids and have fun!

Austin testing out a bike camp activity with staff in Kamloops! (2019)

Growing up, my mother was a CEA, so I was introduced to what autism was at a young age. I always wanted to help people on the autism spectrum like she did.

I was also always aware that people with certain challenges or disabilities (whether they be physical or cognitive, etc.) might not have the same opportunity as others. And that never sat well with me.

So when I learned about CAN, I jumped at the opportunity to volunteer!

Do you have a favourite memory in your time volunteering with CAN?

A participant and I both got along really well with each other, and we created a secret handshake. Every time that something awesome happened or we were just happy and having fun, we did the secret handshake.

The handshake was quite involved too! We were partnered up for a few different sessions, and the handshake lasted throughout all of them.

Why do you continue volunteering with CAN?

I’ve met so many great people had so many great experiences. I want to continue sharing all of the skills that organized sports has given me. And hopefully, a few more laughs and smiles along the way!

More volunteer stories:

Nina Gaspari: “Be kind to one another”

Sebastian: “Living a life I like”

Kyle Boyle: Why I volunteer for CAN

Former hockey player gives back at CAN skate

Starbucks: An extra shot of good


April 24, 2020

#WeBelieve that every individual with autism should be supported during important transitions into adulthood.

Sebastian Ralphs is not only one of our longest tenured participants – he is one of our most active volunteers! He has used a lifetime of experiences to build confidence, gain life skills and secure meaningful employment. This is his story.

“Living a life I like”

Hi, I’m Sebastian Ralphs. I‘ve been a Canucks Autism Network (CAN) member since it was founded in 2008. First, I was a participant. Then in 2014, I became a volunteer to help other kids with autism. I’ve done so many fun things and learned so much at CAN. Let me tell you about it!

My family and I first heard about CAN from our neighbours, whose daughter worked there. My first activities with CAN were horseback riding at a stable in Southlands and golfing at the driving range with a golf pro.

These experiences were programs that were piloted in CAN’s early years before we shifted our focus on our current sports & rec offerings. Sebastian has been with us for a long time!

I did a lot of summer camps with CAN which helped me be more confident with things like high ropes and rock climbing. I was a little scared with those at the beginning, but the staff and volunteers helped me. I did many years of soccer and swimming until I moved on to CAN’s youth and adult programs.

Sebastian at 14 years old with his friend Tilman. CAN Overnight Camp in 2011.

One of my favourite programs was the CAN music program with the Sarah McLachlan School of Music. I was in the first-ever class that was offered. And that made me happy because I love music. I met new friends and also my first girlfriend in the music classes.

We learned to sing as a choir and also play percussion. Our choir sang at the first CAN Reveal Gala, and we sang “Ice Cream”.

I even shared a microphone with Sarah McLachlan herself!

I was able to do the music program for two years as a participant – and then two more as a volunteer.

My mom first told me about the opportunity to volunteer with CAN back in 2014. I really wanted to do it so I could help other kids with autism. My first volunteer position was at the soccer program. I only expected to do things like set up and take down equipment.

So I was happy that I got to lead warm-ups and stretching and demonstrate skills that I had first learned as a participant.

I have been a volunteer in the Explore Volunteering program, where I helped other youth and adults with autism with various tasks, like making a forest trail and stocking clothing at the Union Gospel Mission Thrift Store.

This program is for youth and adults with autism to sample volunteer opportunities in the community. As an experienced volunteer already, Sebastian helped out in a ‘peer support’ capacity, providing a positive role model for our participants!

Sebastian has additionally participated in one of our first two Translink Accessibility Tours for youth and adults with autism. View video of the first CAN x Translink Accessibility Tour.

I’ve also really enjoyed volunteering at many community events, like CAN’s info booth at Canucks games, family events like Sports Day and fundraisers like the Reveal Gala. I see so many friends and people I know from so many years at CAN.

I’ve been able to do so many fun things, like being a people greeter, assisting at information booths, giving kids stickers and demonstrating games to kids.

CAN has helped me be more social and confident in connecting with other people.

Volunteering with CAN even helped me get another volunteer job as a Sun Run clinic leader at Dunbar Community Centre for the last 4 years. My volunteer experience also helped me get a paid job at Vancity Credit Union.  I’m not doing any of my jobs now because of the pandemic, but hopefully it will end soon.

I am proud that I have these jobs. CAN is helping me have a life I like!

Read more

Volunteer Spotlight: “Be friendly to one another”

Behind the scenes with the Reveal Gala choir

Sylvain Formo: Changing my thoughts about autism

Former hockey player gives back at CAN skate

Return to CAN Blog

April 22, 2020

It’s been a couple of years since we moved our headquarters to the Kitsilano neighbourhood in Vancouver.

But for years, we called the corner of Yukon and 2nd home. And just across the street is where our office staff got their daily caffeine fix at Starbucks. It wasn’t long before Store Manager Ann-Marie Lee-Teahen knew virtually the entire Canucks Autism Network (CAN) office team by name.

Although we’re no longer immediate neighbours, our friends at Starbucks remain CAN supporters who we are proud to celebrate this National Volunteer Week.

“When I became the community lead in my district, I reached out to CAN for volunteer opportunities,” said Ann-Marie.

“At that time, one of the managers in our district, Evelyn Campbell was a CAN mom.”

“Through CAN, her son Logan has been enrolled in so many sports and social programs. He has come leaps and bounds!”

As a group, Ann-Marie, Evelyn and their fellow baristas began volunteering in our office to help organize and prepare our program supplies. Ann-Marie even donated her time to support our Weekly Youth & Adult Program for a season.

“I received training and learned so much from the program with respect to understanding people with autism,” Ann-Marie said.

Our neighbours across the street were eager to contribute more to our community. So when we asked them to put up some posters to promote our CAN Family Festival in 2016, Ann-Marie got the idea to get involved with our events as well.

Hundreds of families needing to stay warm at our annual Festival of Lights at Van Dusen?

Starbucks was there.

Hockey players arriving early in the morning for an 8am game?

Starbucks was there!

Over the past six years, Starbucks has volunteered at CAN Family Festival, CAN Relay 4 Autism, CAN Festival of Lights and most recently the CAN Pro-Am.

And at each event, they were on hand bright and early or late at night offering a warm smile and a free coffee or hot chocolate!

But their incredible contributions don’t stop there. Through the Starbucks Foundation, Ann-Marie and her South Central Vancouver Starbucks District have donated a total of $3,000 to support CAN programs, training and community engagement initiatives.

Like many businesses, most Starbucks locations are closed due to the current health crisis. And our hearts go out to the many store managers, baristas and all those who are waiting to get back to work.

But knowing how committed they are to giving back, it came as no surprise that the Starbucks at Yukon St and 2nd Ave remains open to frontline workers.

Photo from Starbucks Stories Canada

Ever since our new life of social distancing began, Ann-Marie and her team have been serving free coffee to the many first responders and health care workers in their neighbourhood, including those from Vancouver General Hospital and Vancouver Police Department headquarters.

“It has been a very fulfilling experience, ensuring that our first responders can be the best they can be,” said Ann-Marie.  “If only through a cup of coffee.”

For most, a good day begins with a cup of coffee. For us, our daily lattes and cappuccinos turned into a friendship we have treasured for over six years and counting.

Thank you, Ann-Marie and Starbucks!

Read more

Volunteer Spotlight: “Be friendly to one another”

Vancouver Foundation: Extending CAN’s impact in Nanaimo and Kamloops

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April 20, 2020

 “No matter what, Nina shows up with her bubbly, positive personality. You can’t help but feel happy when she’s around!”
-Kayla Ungaro, CAN Regional Coordinator in Kelowna

This National Volunteer Week, the spotlight is on our incredible BC-wide team in green. What motivates them to give back? What are their favourite memories supporting our participants and families?

We have seen their impact every day in our programs and events ever since we began in 2008. We can’t wait to share their stories with you all week on social media!

Today, we are excited to celebrate Nina Gaspari in Kelowna.

Outside of her busy schedule working at a restaurant and studying biochemistry at UBCO, Nina has dedicated countless week nights and summer days to CAN. In two years, she has volunteered in Gymnastics, Active, Multisport, Weekly Youth & Adult Programs and Summer Day Camps.

Learn more about becoming a CAN volunteer!

“I remember checking in with Nina after her first couple of weeks volunteering,” recalled Kayla Ungaro, CAN Regional Coordinator in Kelowna. “She beamed with excitement that volunteering at CAN was the highlight of her week!”

“Some individuals have an innate ability to connect with participants and be that positive part of their week – that is definitely Nina.”

You’d think it was enough that Nina was finding time to support our program every week. But despite her busy schedule, she went above and beyond last summer. Joining up with fellow CAN volunteer and personal friend Morgan Painchaud, the duo helped organize a benefit concert at the OK Corral. Featuring local Okanagan talents like Ben Klick, Hillside Outlaws and Michael Daniels, Country For CAN raised over $2,500!

We are so lucky to have such enthusiastic volunteers who support our programs with such passion. What drives Nina to dedicate so much time for our participants and families?

“My intention is to demonstrate how to be friendly to one another. I want to help create an environment where CAN participants feel they can try something that they wouldn’t normally do.”

“So any time a child, youth or adult is able to interact with another one confidently, it puts such a big smile on my face.”

In just two years, Nina has volunteered in over 30 weekly sessions at CAN. Among her many hours supporting our participants, she shared with us one of her favourite memories from our Multisport program.

“During the basketball lesson, we were playing pass. The kids were originally paired up with staff and volunteers. But part way through the lesson, one of the kids asked another if he would play pass with him instead,” Nina recalled.

“Although this seems like a very small thing to do, it made me so happy that he had developed the social skills to reach out to a fellow peer.”

This past Winter, Nina took her skills for building social connections among participants to our Weekly Youth & Adult Program.

“I absolutely love playing games and chatting with them,” Nina said. “They are always challenging my perceptions on many things and I always find myself looking forward to the next one.”

The world needs more people like Nina. Lucky for CAN, we have hundreds who share her genuine passion for supporting kids, youth and adults with autism.

While our in-person programs are on hold for the time being, it goes without saying that our CAN volunteers are missing our participants and families immensely.

Learn how we are continuing to support our CAN community during COVID-19 at canucksautism.ca/homeactivities.

“I am so appreciative of what CAN is able to do for so many families,” said Nina. “It is so nice to see how these kids and youth look forward to coming to see us each week — just as much as we look forward to seeing them!”

Additional reading

Former hockey player gives back at CAN skate

Meet Siobhan: CAN participant & part-time employee

Kyle Boyle: Why I volunteer for CAN

Additional info

What kind of training to CAN staff and volunteers receive?

What is each staff and volunteer’s role in CAN programs?

Become a CAN volunteer!

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Jun 12, 2019

At the 2019 Canucks Alumni Charity Golf Tournament, Sylvain Formo delivered this speech in front of a room of former NHL players, tournament participants and guests.

My name is Sylvain Formo and I am 23 years old. I’ve been a member of Canucks Autism Network (CAN) since it was founded in 2008. During that time, they have completely changed my thoughts about having autism. And what a person with autism can do in their community.

Growing up was difficult. When I was younger, I had problems talking and being understood by others. Except for my mom, who always knew what was going on. At school, I struggled the most, where social interactions and speech were the most important.

But I always loved hockey and goaltender was my favourite position growing up. It was hard to participate in sports too. I seemed to learn and interact with my teammates a little differently. In a dressing room of 20 or more people, I never really knew how to talk to the other players.

Then in 2014, Canucks Autism Network started a hockey program — the Vancouver Orcas. The difference was huge in the support I received. There were more than 20 staff and volunteers with us. And they understood everything we were going through.

Sylvain (third from right in back row) on CAN’s inaugural hockey team in 2014.

At 18, I aged out of the program. And as CAN didn’t have an adult program yet, they asked me to volunteer. That is when I found my calling to be a goalie coach.

Learn more about volunteering with Canucks Autism Network

At first, it was just a way to stay involved with the team and be with the guys that I liked playing with. It was challenging. I wasn’t sure how to support these guys that once were my teammates.

But just like when I was a participant, the staff and volunteers carried me along. They gradually gave me the responsibility to lead activities, like team stretches and other drills.

I began to work with the Vancouver team’s goalie. Then, two goalies. I began helping out at the Surrey location a little bit too. After each practice, I started doing my own research on goalie drills through the Hockey Canada, USA Hockey and Finland Hockey websites.

A male coach talking with an ice hockey goalie on the ice.
Sylvain instructs one of the Vancouver Orcas’ goalies during a CAN hockey scrimmage at Rogers Arena

After a couple years as a volunteer, one of the CAN staff approached me and said, “You know you’re doing the job of a staff member now? Working one on one with the kids and developing lesson plans?”

This encouraged me to think of the possibilities. CAN offered me a position as goalie coach in the hockey program. And this past April, I just completed my second full season as a a staff member.

From participant to volunteer to staff, my involvement with Canucks Autism Network has changed my life profoundly. They have supported and encouraged me for over a decade and have pushed me to strive for greater things and better things in my life.

With every CAN program I participated in, volunteered in or worked at, I have learned more about myself. I have gained skills that have carried me forward not only in my employment with CAN, but into my personal life.

CAN has changed my attitude towards the goals I had set for myself. They have given me a newfound sense of confidence that anything is possible. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

But there are so many other kids, teens and young adults who need the continued support of CAN programs. In BC, 1 in 46 children have autism. That is over 16,000 children province-wide.

With your support, you can help us grow our programs and reach out to the autism community. You can help Canucks Autism Network impact lives, like they did for me.

READ MORE: Goalie with autism finds calling coaching CAN hockey

LEARN MORE: Support Canucks Autism Network programs


Photo copyright: Alaska Nanooks

Apr 12, 2019

Nearly two years ago, Michael Quinn had just wrapped up a professional hockey career.

In junior and college, he competed against current NHL stars like Tyler Bozak, Kyle Turris and Jake Gardiner. After turning pro, he traveled the world and played in the United States, Hungary and France.

Though he is now retired, Michael hasn’t come close to hanging up his skates. Since settling back home in Surrey, he has found a new calling on the ice as a Canucks Autism Network (CAN) volunteer.

Every Wednesday evening, he laces up at Cloverdale Arena to support CAN participants in our skate program.

Learn more about Canucks Autism Network skate for children with autism.

What motivates him to give back?

“I love being on the ice,” Michael explained. “And CAN has allowed me to pass on my skills and joy of skating to the kids.”

His enthusiasm has helped countless CAN participants develop confidence on the ice and a shared love of skating. The CAN staff in Cloverdale have taken notice.

Whenever they encounter a participant who may need some extra motivation and encouragement, the staff are quick to pair them with Michael.

“The kids gravitate to him because he’s got such an advanced skill set on the ice,” said one of our CAN skate coaches. “But he’s been able to support them in ways that show a natural ability to connect with our participants too.”

While April 7-13 marks National Volunteer Week in Canada, it is also Autism Awareness Month. Like many CAN volunteers, Michael came to us with no experience supporting children with autism. But through a clear passion, desire to give back and guidance from CAN staff, Michael has developed the understanding of autism necessary to make a lasting impact on our participants.

“It only takes an hour out of my week,” Michael shared. “And to be able to put a giant smile on a child’s face – that’s something special. Getting to build relationships with the children and seeing not only their skating skills improve, but also their confidence and interpersonal skills, has been tremendously rewarding.”

Outside of CAN programs, Michael is starting a career as a firefighter with the City of Delta. He will be joining a first responder community in BC that is becoming increasingly aware and accepting of individuals with autism, as well. This past January, CAN launched a free and online training tool for first responders. In the three months since, over 600 fire fighters, police officers, paramedics, search and rescue officers and more have completed the training.

Learn more about Canucks Autism Network’s free and online training for first responders.

Michael will be starting his new role with valuable hands-on experience and is eager to utilize his newfound understanding of autism.

“I have gained so much knowledge and so many communication skills volunteering with CAN,” Michael said. “As a firefighter, it is extremely reassuring that I can use my knowledge about autism to respond to calls involving individuals on the spectrum.”

As an organization, we are uplifted that volunteers like Michael will continue to support the autism community long after their time in our programs.

Thank you, Michael.

Learn more about volunteering for Canucks Autism Network!


Dec 4, 2018

There are so many dedicated and passionate individuals that go into the success of each of our programs. Each year, we employ over 250 program staff and benefit from over 600 volunteers.

While reviewing your comments from recent parent and participant surveys, we have recognized that the program roles of our staff and volunteers may be unclear to all of our members. At the majority of CAN programs, there are four roles:

Support Team (Black shirt):  CAN Support Team are paid staff who oversee the behaviour support provided to each participant. They work closely with participants, caregivers, staff and volunteers to ensure that each participant grows towards achieve their own definition of success.

Support Team are responsible for writing behaviour support plans in collaboration with participants and caregivers, and training Support Workers to implement these plans. In addition, the Support Team is the primary communication liaison with both the CAN office and any non-CAN facility staff.

Coach (Blue shirt):  CAN Coaches are paid staff who are responsible for implementing the CAN curriculum for each program and creating lesson plans that are customized for each group. CAN Coaches are skilled in the activity they lead and provide guidance to Support Workers about appropriate skill progressions to help each participant reach their full potential and gain new skills.


Support Worker (Blue shirt): CAN Support Workers are paid staff whose primary responsibility is to make sure each participant achieves their own definition of success. Support Workers support participants under the direction of Coaches and Support Team alongside volunteers. Support Workers may be assigned to support multiple participants.


Volunteer (Green shirt):  CAN Volunteers are community members who donate their time to support CAN programs. Volunteers are often looking for additional experience in supporting individuals with autism and provide crucial help by assisting staff members to support participants, setting up and cleaning up equipment, and contributing positive energy to ensure that each CAN program feels fun, safe and supported.

See more articles like this:
Who gets into programs?
Why aren’t swim programs longer?
Why are programs offered at less than ideal times of the week?
Why I volunteer for CAN: Kyle Boyle 

Oct 31, 2018

Gourd things come to those who wait!

For those that visited Science World this past October, you may have noticed some very festive pumpkins decorating their entrance. In particular, the CAN-inspired carving above has to be one of our all-time favourites.

What visitors may not have realized is that the decorative pumpkins were the result of a multi-season collaboration between Science World and CAN’s youth and adult participants spanning nearly six months!

With their commitment to accessibility and inclusion, Science World has been a longtime community partner. Over the past several years, we have collaborated with the popular Vancouver attraction to develop an Activity Storybook for visitors with autism, offer autism training to their staff and volunteers, and host our Youth and  Adult programs.

This particular pumpkin project began this past Spring, when our CommunityWorks Canada ® program visited Science World. Youth andadults with autism toured the facility and volunteered their time to plant pumpkin seeds on site.

CommunityWorks Canada ® is a pre-employment training program that is federally funded by Worktopia. With funding coming to an end this January, the program will replaced by a new “Explore Volunteering” program. Visit the program page for details.

By the end of the summer, Science World staff reached out, letting us know that pumpkins had virtually taken over their garden!

So when our youth and adults were looking for places to volunteer again this October, Science World invited them back to carve the same pumpkins they had planted earlier this year.  After a Saturday morning with museum staff, CAN participants carved everything from ghoulish figures to festive silhouettes.

“Science World is thrilled to work collaboratively with CAN,” said Cindy Wagner, Director of Visitor Experience. “It was an absolute pleasure to share this Halloween experience with CAN’s youth and adults and our visitors.”

Thanks to Science World’s enthusiasm for showcasing our programs, thousands of museum visitors were treated to a special Halloween treat, courtesy of CAN participants!