Mar 8, 2018

Over ten years ago, Katy Harandi gathered around a kitchen table with Vancouver Canucks Co-owners Paolo and Clara Aquilini and envisioned an organization that could provide recreational opportunities and a community of support for families living with autism.

As parents of children with autism, Katy, Paolo and Clara shared an understanding for the struggles associated with an autism diagnosis. It was with this desire to support other families living with autism that Canucks Autism Network (CAN) was formed.

On March 8, International Women Day, we recognize the decade of strong leadership that our invaluable President and CEO, Katy Harandi, has provided to our growing organization. Her spirit, compassion and infectious “I CAN” attitude has inspired a team of hundreds to create a space where every individual with autism can be understood, accepted and supported.

But before leading CAN, Katy’s commitment to those with autism began at home. Motivated to create a better life for her daughter with autism, she researched the field extensively, investigating a wide range of treatments for autism. And in order to supervise her daughter’s at-home support, she underwent countless hours of training from specialists and therapists.

Beyond her personal motivation to better understand autism, Katy was driven to create positive change in the lives of other families with autism, as well. With an MBA from UBC Sauder and a background in computer science, Katy’s acumen and solution-driven mindset have propelled CAN since day one.

A woman holding a mic speaks on stage.

After overseeing the process of becoming a non-profit society and registered charity, Katy and the Aquilinis set about obtaining funding from the Canucks for Kids Fund. In its inaugural year, CAN offered one soccer program at what was then GM Place and an autism awareness curriculum for elementary schools in the Lower Mainland.

From 2008-11, Katy served as CAN’s Chair of the Board, guiding the organization in its formative years as a small, grassroots charity. By 2012, CAN developed the capacity to fill over 2,700 annual program spots in weekly sports lessons, day camps, overnight camps and family events.

But during a critical time in CAN’s 10-year history, we were faced with a vacant Executive Director position. Katy was selected to assume the position of CEO on an interim basis.

What many may not know is that for one year, Katy donated her time in this executive position. While the Board searched for a permanent replacement, Katy represented an extreme rarity in the executive world – a volunteer CEO.

Needless to say, her selflessness and unwavering commitment is what inevitably made her the appropriate choice to assume the permanent position of President and CEO.

But regardless of her title – whether it be Chair of the Board, President, CEO or volunteer – it is Katy’s steadfast leadership since our inaugural year that has allowed CAN to influence the thousands of families with autism that benefit from our programs today.

A girl runs while holding a ball. A woman runs behind her.

Outside of CAN, Katy also serves as President of PALS Autism Society, another non-profit in Vancouver that provides school and adult programs for individuals with autism. It should come as no surprise that she has been a nominee for the YWCA Women of Distinction Award and a recipient of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for service to Canada.

This International Women’s Day, we celebrate the countless women like Katy who have dedicated their time and efforts to individuals and families living with autism across BC. They are on our board and in our office, guiding and coordinating our efforts. They are in our programs, delivering support in gyms, arenas, pools and fields. They are at home, providing unconditional love and care.

Thank you for leading the way.


Oct 6, 2017

“As a student-athlete, I recognize that I am extremely fortunate for all the enjoyable experiences I have had playing sports in my life. I want to do what I can to help children with autism gain some of these lifelong memories too.”

When Kyle McComb joined the Canucks Autism Network (CAN) as a volunteer this past June, he shared these incredibly inspiring words with us.

It is no surprise that after a summer supporting our Multisport and I CAN Bike day camps, he is our selection for CAN’s Exceptional Volunteer Award!

At the end of each season, we choose one volunteer who has truly gone above and beyond in their support for both staff and participants within our programs. A varsity baseball player for UBC, Kyle combined a clear passion for sports and giving back to his community to completely blow our staff away this summer.

Daily briefs with program staff consistently highlighted Kyle’s enthusiasm and natural ability to engage the kids:

“Kyle used clear language and always modeled for the participants what he needed them to do – showing the skills, in addition to telling.”

“He jumped right in! His energy is fabulous.” 

“Kyle jumped in as a coach and did amazingly well leading the entire softball station! In addition to demonstrating the skills with clear and simple instructions, he made sure to use our visual toolkit with the group as well!”

For more tips on engaging individuals with autism in a sports and rec environments, please visit our Helpful Resources webpage!

This Fall, Kyle returns to his busy schedule at UBC as a student-athlete. But as soon as his availability allows, he looks forward to continuing to make a difference in his new staff role as a CAN support worker.

For our participants to have athletes like Kyle to look up to is such an incredible benefit to our programs. Kyle’s genuine enthusiasm for making a difference in his community is representative of so many of the volunteers that CAN is lucky to have.

Each year, we benefit from over 600 volunteers that compassionately and generously donate their time. Whether it’s handing out CAN bracelets at a community info table or demonstrating the perfect swing of a bat in our Multisport program, we could not do what we do without volunteers like Kyle.

A huge thanks to Kyle and every CAN volunteer that makes our programs possible.

For more information on volunteering with the Canucks Autism Network, please visit our Become a Volunteer webpage!

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