We Heard You: Sharing Program Concerns

Jan 5, 2019

We are so proud that our staff, volunteers and overall program experience receive consistently positive feedback in our quarterly parent and participant surveys.

However, we recognize the importance of parents and participants being able to communicate program concerns in a timely manner when they do arise. A few examples of feedback that we’ve received in end-of-season surveys are:

  • “The volunteers in the program seemed disengaged.”
  • “The person in the black shirt (Support Team) never engaged with me. I would have liked to tell them some strategies for working with my child.”
  • “My child has had a different support worker each session, which is less than ideal.”

These are important issues to be brought to our attention. We would like to address these in a timely manner, preferably while the program is still in session rather than the end of the season.

Support Team members supervise CAN programs on-site and can be identified by their black CAN t-shirts.

In order to efficiently address concerns, we have developed a simple process for you to connect with supervisory staff regarding program-related issues.

  1. Speak directly with the Support Team member.
    These supervisory staff members (identifiable by their black CAN t-shirts at programs) are prepared to receive program concerns from CAN members and the general public. They have been trained to address the concerns, implement solutions, and identify when to involve office staff.
  2. If the Support Team member isn’t available, please email feedback@canucksautism.ca.
    Often times, CAN programs are very busy and a Support Team member may not be available to speak to you privately. Or you may be uncomfortable addressing an issue with the Support Team member. If this is the case, please email feedback@canucksautism.ca with your concern. This email will be directed to an office staff within our Program Department and will be answered within 3-5 business days.

If we can address feedback in a timely manner, we are confident that our trained staff and volunteers will be able to satisfy parent and participant concerns. Additionally, your feedback can be added to our staff’s ongoing training and our volunteer orientations.

At CAN, your input is valued and important. It is a privilege to work with both parents and participants to ensure that we continue to deliver the highest-possible program experience.


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