We Heard You: Fall 2019 Membership Survey

Jan 31, 2020

We recently conducted a survey to collect information on members’ expectations and preference for access to programs and activities. This survey was sent to CAN families with children aged 3-12 years,* who had requested enrollment over the past year.

We had over 300 responses, and we wanted to share some of the results with our members.

*We are currently conducting a similar survey for youth & adult programs (ages 13+). Stay tuned!

Preference for Access to Programs

At Least One Program per Season

Response: The majority of respondents said their preference was to access one program per season. The second-most common preference was to access multiple programs per season — followed by accessing 1 or 2 programs per year.

Click for enlarged view.

During the year of September 2018 to August 2019, CAN offered an average of two weekly program spots for every participant who submitted registration requests.

What this means for CAN: Demand for our programs is higher than our current program offerings.

CAN’s programming has grown significantly over the past 11 years, and while we plan to continue growing, a number factors need to align to ensure that we maintain high quality programming and long-term financial sustainability.

Key factors include:

  • Growing number of CAN members increases demand
  • Finding facility space and times in areas with high demand
  • Recruiting and training qualified staff and volunteers in areas with high demand
  • Securing funding to support programs

All of these factors need to be considered in order to successfully add more programs.

Most Popular Program: Swim

Response: The top program choice for the majority of participants ages 3-12 was swim. An exception to this was during the winter season, where the majority of participants were more interested in our skate program.

Click to view enlarged.

What this means for CAN: The swim program is our most sought-after program.

We recognize that CAN swim is more than a recreation opportunity – it helps participants learn a life-saving skill. For this reason, our swim program represents close to 45% of our weekly program spots and continues to be a top priority for program growth. The findings from this survey further support the need to continue to explore opportunities to expand the swim program.

What this means for members: We hear you. You would like more consistent access to programming, with swim being a top priority for many. While we cannot make these changes overnight, we can work towards them.

What you can do to help:

  • Consider submitting registration requests for more than one program.
    This way, if we cannot get you into your first choice (e.g. swim), we can try to accommodate you into your second or third choice (e.g. multisport).
  • Let people know that we’re looking for qualified staff.
    Do you know a great BI, Education Assistant or anyone experienced with individuals with autism? Direct them to canucksautism.ca/jobs!
  • Helping us secure funding for programs.
    Do you know a community grant, potential donor, sponsor or business that would like to support the cause? Please email development@canucksautism.ca!

We look forward to seeing you in CAN programs and events across BC!

Additional reading:

When is CAN coming to my community?

Who gets into programs?

When does registration take place?

Why is registration open for a short period of time?

How do I stay informed about upcoming programs and registration dates?

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