Updated safety plans for CAN programs across BC

November 20, 2020

Thank you to our entire Canucks Autism Network (CAN) community for your ongoing patience during this time. Our team continues working hard to ensure that our members are able to access in-person programming safely.

In response to yesterday’s new provincial health announcement, we will be resuming all indoor programs across the Lower Mainland beginning Thursday, November 26.

This decision is in alignment with Dr. Bonnie Henry’s recommendations to allow indoor group physical activities, as long as proper health and safety protocols are in place.

That said, our team has developed updated Safety Plans for both in-person programs and family experiences. These new protocols ensure that our programs are either in line with, or exceed, provincial health recommendations.

Please note that while the suspension of indoor programs affected only the Lower Mainland, our new Safety Plan applies to ALL in-person programs across BC.

This includes all outdoor programs in the Lower Mainland and all programs in our Vancouver Island and Interior regions.

Updated Safety Plan: In-Person Programs

The following changes ensure that we can further support physical distancing and safety, while maintaining fun, active and individualized experiences for all participants.

Curriculum Updates

  • All children’s sports & rec programs will feature a station-based format in which participants are even further distanced within the program area.
  • All children’s sports & rec programs are now designed to be hands-free. Participants will focus on skills such as running, jumping, hopping and kicking. Activities that require touching equipment will be eliminated for this season.
  • Youth and adult programs will feature increased outdoor activities where physical distancing can be maintained.

Mandatory Masks

  • New health orders require mask use in all indoor public spaces – if you are able.
  • This includes facility lobbies, hallways, washrooms, etc.
  • We recognize that not all participants are able to wear a mask, but those who can are strongly encouraged to do so.
  • In alignment with other community sport programs and public health orders, masks will NOT be required on the ‘field of play’ (ie. on the ice, field or gym court).

No Spectators:

  • New health orders prohibit programs spectators of any kind. Parents/caregivers are no longer able to enter the facility and observe programs.
  • Participants will be dropped off at the facility entrance and CAN staff will escort them into the space.

Reduced Participants

  • In order to further support physical distancing, we will be decreasing the number of participants enrolled in each session beginning Winter 2021.

Physically Distanced Support

  • Provincial health guidelines require that CAN staff and volunteers maintain physical distance from participants.
  • For participants who have difficulty maintaining physical distance, a parent/caregiver may be asked to join the program to provide one-on-one physical support. If this is the case for your child, CAN staff will contact you directly to create an individualized approach.

Read the full Safety Plan for In-Person Programs. >>

Browse the Winter 2021 Program Guide. >>

Safety Plan Updates: Family Experiences

CAN Family Experiences will continue as scheduled. This decision remains in alignment with provincial health recommendations as long as families remain within their household bubbles.

In the past, the goal of our Family Experiences has been to provide opportunities for our members to enjoy local attractions together as a family, while also meeting other families in their community.

During this time of physical distancing, we must reiterate the need to eliminate interactions with other households at CAN Family Experiences.

We remain committed to providing opportunities for CAN families to enjoy attractions within their immediate household bubble and in their local community.

We will continue to work with venues and attractions to create opportunities for our members by covering the cost of entry fees and/or prioritizing venue access for CAN families.

  • Physical distancing must be maintained at all times and families must stay with their immediate household bubble.
  • CAN will ensure that all host venues/attractions have comprehensive COVID-19 safety plans and will work to secure more experiences for families in outdoor venues
  • In accordance with provincial health mandates, families are encouraged to limit travel across communities to access CAN Family Experiences

Read the full Safety Plan for Family Experiences. >>

During this time of uncertainty, we want to reiterate to our members that we are here for you.

We remain committed to providing CAN members with safe and physically-distanced opportunities to be active and engaged with their community.

And in recognition of the increasing need to provide programming accessible from home, we are also committed to expanding our virtual offerings into the Winter 2021 season and beyond.

View the Winter 2021 Program Guide.

Our team is keeping a watchful eye on any further provincial health recommendations and orders. Please note that at any point in time, additional temporary program suspensions may occur in accordance with new mandates.

Members will receive notifications of any program suspensions in a timely manner. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding during this time.

As the health situation in BC continues to rapidly evolve, we encourage members to be especially mindful during this time and to use sound judgement to ensure the safety of the CAN community – and the larger community we are a part of.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email info@canucksautism.ca.

Additional resources