Mar 20, 2020

On February 1, the home of the Vancouver Canucks was transformed into a circus-style ‘big top’, for REVEAL, The Greatest Show on Earth, in support of Canucks Autism Network (CAN). Presented by BMO Bank of Montreal, the unforgettable gala dazzled some 566 guests with awe-inspiring circus acts, impressive culinary creations and show-stopping musical numbers.

But the true stars of the evening were the 15 CAN members of the Sarah McLachlan School of Music choir who performed a touching rendition of “This is Me” from The Greatest Showman.

Based on the reactions among the guests, it’s safe to say the choir’s five months of rehearsals paid off.

“These kids really touched me,” said CAN Founder Paolo Aquilini, when he later took the stage. “That is why we’re here. So that these kids can say ‘This is me’ with empowerment.”

The Good Doctor star Paige Spara and CAN Founder Paolo Aquilini react to the performance.

Gavin had the honour of singing the final solo. “I was a little nervous in front of all those people,” he said after the show. “But I remember everyone cheering after my part and it made me feel really proud of myself. I thought about my family and how my mom was going to have happy tears!”

The performance was an unforgettable moment that reminded all guests firsthand of the impact of their generous contributions.

But behind the scenes at Rogers Arena, something else truly magical transpired.

In preparation for their performance, the choir had arrived early for a rehearsal. With a few hours until show time, the group was designated one of the dressing rooms backstage.

Unstructured time and ‘waiting around’ can be difficult for any group of kids. But it can be especially difficult for those with autism. CAN staff and parents came ready with activities and a plan to keep the group occupied for the evening.

Anita Rudge was one of those parents.

And nearly two months after the Reveal Gala, she is still as excited about the performance as she is about what she witnessed backstage.

“I remember the rehearsal being stressful. But once we got backstage, the kids were joking with each other and laughing,” Anita recalled. “They were sharing their Nintendo Switches and playing board games. And for kids with autism, it can be so hard for them to engage socially.”

“It was one of the happiest moments of my life.”

One of CAN’s staff, Sarah Armstrong, was also in the room. “The group varied in age and background quite a bit, but they came together like any group of friends would,” said Sarah. “They were comforting each other before their big moment on stage. It was unforgettable.”

The four-minute performance featured two solos and one duet. Anita’s son, Jayden (right), had the opening solo. Gavin (left) had the final one.

If you look closely during Gavin’s solo, you’ll notice that Jayden is singing along word-for-word.

That’s because, right before the performance, Gavin had asked Jayden to sing along with him — just in case he forgot the words.

“As a mother, you want your kids to be kind and empathetic,” Anita said. “These kids loved and supported each other.”

On stage, Jadyen, Gavin and the entire choir proudly sang the words: “I’m not scared to be seen, I make no apologies – This is Me!”

The lyrics acted as a powerful reminder to guests that we need to increase understanding and acceptance of autism in the community at large.

The fact that so many people gave so generously at the Reveal Gala is cause for great hope.

But the moment that took place backstage provided profound hope of its own. It proved that a mutual love for music could bring a group of kids and youth with autism together.

And that in the process of singing for acceptance, the group found understanding among each other. That’s something you simply can’t put a dollar figure on.

“They were all hugging each other to say goodbye after the performance,” recalled Anita. “It was a room filled with so much love and understanding.”

“It gave me hope that if it can happen in that room, why not everywhere?”

Read more:

Finding Kai’s voice with CAN & Sarah McLachlan School of Music

Austin Dutt: A World Kindness Day story from Kelowna

Extending CAN’s impact in Nanaimo and Kamloops

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Learn more about the Reveal Gala

Learn more about the CAN & Sarah McLachlan School of Music program

Learn more about Sarah McLachlan School of Music

Oct 1, 2019

Offered in partnership with Sarah McLachlan School of Music, our music program impacted over 80 kids, youth and adults with autism last year.

As we tune up for another year of CAN Music, we received a particularly inspiring message from a parent of one of those participants.

Dear Canucks Autism Network,

My son Kai has autism and has benefited from CAN programs for many years. He absolutely loves singing and has participated in the Sarah McLachlan School of Music program twice.

From the time he wakes up to when he’s asleep, he’s singing all day long.

One of his favourite songs is “Can’t Stop The Feeling” by Justin Timberlake. It is one of the many songs he’s learned through the CAN Music program.

Every week, he’s always so excited to tell me when he tries the drums or goes on stage to try the mic with CAN.

Kai has a lovely singing voice and is quite gifted. So this past September, we wanted to try a “mainstream” choir program closer to home.

I waited outside the classroom for the entire first session, hoping he was doing well.

Towards the end, a staff member came out, visibly frustrated. She pulled me aside and her first question was, “What is up with Kai?”

Kai can often be quite high functioning. When he’s in a good space, he doesn’t need much support. So sometimes I forget how much he struggles with self-regulation when he doesn’t know what to expect or if he’s excited about new experiences.

Kai on stage during a CAN & Sarah McLachlan School of Music performance.

When I reiterated to the staff member that he has autism, she told me that they didn’t have any additional support for those with special needs and that it wasn’t going to work out. At that moment, Kai came bounding out of the room and exclaimed, “Mom, that was so much fun!”

I was devastated.

But while fighting back tears, my first thought as I drove back home with Kai was how grateful I am for his experience at CAN and Sarah McLachlan School of Music.

I am so thankful that he has a place to be himself and do what he loves most in this world.

Kai wears his Sarah McLachlan School of Music shirt all the time. And when he sees Sarah McLachlan’s name anywhere, he gets so excited. And he’ll proudly say, “That’s my music school!”

So thank you for all your hard work and dedication to all children with autism.

It is so important, so needed and so valued.

– Rosaleen Heffernan, CAN parent

It is an absolute privilege to be a part of the lives of families like Rosaleen and Kai’s.

We are so thankful for organizations like Sarah McLachlan School of Music who have joined us in our mission to deliver programs for children like Kai.

But we are also committed to ensuring that inclusive programming extends beyond the walls of CAN programs.

That’s why we continue to expand our training and community engagement initiatives across BC and beyond. By sharing our knowledge about autism, inclusion and accessibility, we are working towards our vision – for every individual with autism to be understood, accepted and supported in all community spaces.

A woman writes on a hand-held whiteboard while presenting in front of a projector.
CAN offers in-person and online training workshops. Learn more at

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And don’t hesitate to contact us directly at or 604-685-4049.