Congrats Grads of 2020!

Zoë – Magee Secondary

CAN member since 2011

Zoë has been extremely fortunate to be involved with CAN. She has participated in wonderful programs we may never have been able to access otherwise.

Over the years, she has enjoyed swimming, skating, skiing, volunteering, weekly youth meetups, Netflix watch parties, Chilliwack Corn Maze, VanDusen Festival of Lights, Overnight Camp and Sarah McLachlan School of Music, among others!

Zoë graduated with community and citizenship awards, work experience that included working for the VSB, and many new friends. She will be returning for grade 13, and she hopes to see you at future CAN events!

–Angela, Zoe’s mom

Jamie – Tamanawis Secondary

CAN member since 2014

Being part of CAN for many years helped me learn to deal with social situations, getting out and enjoying activities with others like me. I was given opportunities and resources that I never knew that were available.


Nicholas – Langley Fundamental Elementary

CAN member since 2016

CAN helped Nicholas gain the confidence he needed to make it through his final elementary school year. He now has the “I CAN” attitude.

-Nicole, Nicholas’ mom

Kush – Windsor Secondary

CAN member since 2010

I’ve loved CAN programs since I was 9 years old and today I am 19.



Brayden – UFV Dogwood Diploma

CAN member since 2014

CAN was instrumental in not only Brayden’s accomplishment; they were instrumental in his decision to return to school and turn his life around. We will be forever grateful.

-Lori, Brayden’s grandma

Watch Brayden and his grandma speak about his experience with CAN at the Canucks For Kids Fund Dice & Ice Gala in February 2020!

Eric Hamber Secondary

CAN member since 2012



Riverside Secondary

CAN member since 2014



West Vancouver Secondary

CAN member since 2017



Secondary School Certificate

CAN member since 2010

CAN helped Kieran make friends and connect to opportunities in the community. We are so grateful!

Kieran is working hard toward his goal of becoming an animator. He has enjoyed summer courses at VanArts and is looking forward to fulfilling his dreams.

He has had so much fun meeting people and learning sports and more with CAN, Sirota’s, VASS, SOBC, and Challenger Baseball. We are thankful to all who have helped him grow and flourish along the way and also to those who will continue to help teach and coach him in the future!

Congratulations Kieran, and on to an exciting future! Oh, the places you’ll go!

-Cynthia, Kieran’s mom


Davin, Johnston Heights Secondary

CAN member since 2012

Your guy just graduated! Thank you for believing in kids like Davin during their formative years! That is all they needed — for people to believe that they CAN do it! -Josie, CAN mom

In addition to receiving his high school diploma, Davin received the District Award for Fine Arts and two School Awards for Resiliency.

Congratulations to ALL of our CAN participants who graduated from schools across BC!

Whether you submitted a photo or not, we are SO proud of your commitment to your studies and your “I CAN” attitude.

From everyone at Canucks Autism Network, best of luck in all your future endeavours!