In response to COVID-19, we introduced online programming so we could continue to provide support and opportunities for connection to our members. As the online space is a new medium for CAN program delivery, we sent our membership a brief poll to gain insight into preferences for virtual programming.

We received over 350 responses, representing approximately 379 members with autism from communities across British Columbia. Of those that responded:

  • 76 represented participants between 3-6 years
  • 160 represented participants between 7-12 years
  • 93 represented participants between 13-17 years
  • 50 represented participants 18 years or older

Program Timing

Respondents were asked about their preferred program frequency, duration of session, and days/times of the week.

  • Program Frequency: The majority of members are looking for virtual programs that run over consecutive weeks – between 4-6 weeks. This was consistent across all age groups.
  • Program Duration: The majority of members ages 3-12 are looking for class times that are either 30 or 45 minutes. Members  ages 13+ are looking for longer classes, either 45 or 60 minutes.
  • Program Timing: Responses were more varied across the different age groups. For ages 3-6, the preference is for mornings, specifically weekend mornings, and weekday evenings. For ages 7-12, responses were fairly consistent across days and times. For ages 13+, the preference is mostly for afternoons and evenings.

Program Activity

We asked respondents to identify which of the following program types they would be interested in: science activities, computer technology, social group, physical activity, arts/crafts, and other.

For participants 3-6 yrs: Interest was predominantly around physical activity, followed by arts/crafts.

For participants 7-12 yrs: Interest was quite spread out among the group, with physical activity, social groups, computer technology, and science activities all having similar levels of interest.

For participants 13+yrs: This group also had a wide range of interest, with the most popular activities being social groups, computer technology, and physical activity.

Additional Results

We received lots of positive feedback about our virtual programming and are thrilled to be able to reach remote communities with this new stream of programming . We also received feedback from participants who do not find that online programming works well for them for varied reasons.

How These Results Will Be Used

Thank you for your input! Our program team has reviewed the results and has already started incorporating feedback into the planning for the upcoming fall season.

We are very excited to add new online programs this fall, including a partnered baseball program (with an adapted equipment kit for each family that participates!), hockey clinics, and a new virtual meet-up club for preteens (ages 9-12)as well as for siblings!

View Fall 2020 Program Guide.

We value your feedback and will continue to ask for your suggestions on new program ideas throughout the year. If you haven’t yet had a chance, please take a few minutes to complete our in-person program poll which will help guide our gradual return to in-person programming around the province.

Provide Feedback on Returning to In-Person Programs.

Thank you again for your help in making CAN programs as successful as possible during this challenging time!


Jan 31, 2020

We recently conducted a survey to collect information on members’ expectations and preference for access to programs and activities. This survey was sent to CAN families with children aged 3-12 years,* who had requested enrollment over the past year.

We had over 300 responses, and we wanted to share some of the results with our members.

*We are currently conducting a similar survey for youth & adult programs (ages 13+). Stay tuned!

Preference for Access to Programs

At Least One Program per Season

Response: The majority of respondents said their preference was to access one program per season. The second-most common preference was to access multiple programs per season — followed by accessing 1 or 2 programs per year.

Click for enlarged view.

During the year of September 2018 to August 2019, CAN offered an average of two weekly program spots for every participant who submitted registration requests.

What this means for CAN: Demand for our programs is higher than our current program offerings.

CAN’s programming has grown significantly over the past 11 years, and while we plan to continue growing, a number factors need to align to ensure that we maintain high quality programming and long-term financial sustainability.

Key factors include:

  • Growing number of CAN members increases demand
  • Finding facility space and times in areas with high demand
  • Recruiting and training qualified staff and volunteers in areas with high demand
  • Securing funding to support programs

All of these factors need to be considered in order to successfully add more programs.

Most Popular Program: Swim

Response: The top program choice for the majority of participants ages 3-12 was swim. An exception to this was during the winter season, where the majority of participants were more interested in our skate program.

Click to view enlarged.

What this means for CAN: The swim program is our most sought-after program.

We recognize that CAN swim is more than a recreation opportunity – it helps participants learn a life-saving skill. For this reason, our swim program represents close to 45% of our weekly program spots and continues to be a top priority for program growth. The findings from this survey further support the need to continue to explore opportunities to expand the swim program.

What this means for members: We hear you. You would like more consistent access to programming, with swim being a top priority for many. While we cannot make these changes overnight, we can work towards them.

What you can do to help:

  • Consider submitting registration requests for more than one program.
    This way, if we cannot get you into your first choice (e.g. swim), we can try to accommodate you into your second or third choice (e.g. multisport).
  • Let people know that we’re looking for qualified staff.
    Do you know a great BI, Education Assistant or anyone experienced with individuals with autism? Direct them to!
  • Helping us secure funding for programs.
    Do you know a community grant, potential donor, sponsor or business that would like to support the cause? Please email!

We look forward to seeing you in CAN programs and events across BC!

Additional reading:

When is CAN coming to my community?

Who gets into programs?

When does registration take place?

Why is registration open for a short period of time?

How do I stay informed about upcoming programs and registration dates?

Return to CAN Blog Home

Dec 6, 2020

Welcome to the family! You are now a Canucks Autism Network member.

You’ve completed your membership account by submitting your proof of diagnosis, photos of you and your family members, and annual fee.

So, how do you know when programs and registration dates are coming up?

Here’s a few tips to ensure that you’re informed about all of CAN’s programs:

1. Check out this month’s registrations in the monthly newsletter |

Monthly newsletters will contain all the relevant information to guide you through a successful registration process. This newsletter is sent at the start of each month, and outlines the programs the top section highlights what is opening for registration that month. You’ll notice that you can easily add a registration reminder on your device so that you don’t forget to submit a registration request when the registration opens:

AddEvent Calendar Reminder
Example taken from November 2019 newsletter
Click the “Add to Calendar” button to successfully add a reminder in your event calendar on your device.

2. Registration Portal |*

When in doubt, check the registration portal! The registration portal is your go-to hub for upcoming programs and registration. It will indicate the current season, upcoming season, and have links to all the necessary resources to help guide you through program registration.

*TIP: Favourite, star, or bookmark in your browser so you’re always one click away from being up-to-date.

3. Program Guide |**

These guides are published quarterly and provide members a seasonal view of all programs taking place, and when registration will occur.

Seasonal Program Guide Month Published*
Fall (September – December) August
Winter (January – March) November
Spring (April – June) February
Summer (July – August) April/May

*subject to change

**TIP: Visit and it will always direct you to the latest Program Guide. Bookmark this page so you don’t forget the link!

4. Social Media

Canucks Autism Network’s active social media accounts are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin. Follow our accounts for registration reminders, photos from our programs across BC, partner events (that are not typically listed in the Program Guide), and more!


Related posts:
When does registration take place?
Why is registration open for a short period? 
Why are programs offered at non-ideal times? 
Who gets into programs? 
How do I prepare for CAN programs? 
Sharing program concerns

Have other questions about registration? See our FAQ.

Sep 4, 2019

Accessibility is a core value at Canucks Autism Network (CAN).

We honour this value by striving to deliver our programs and events in environments that are barrier-free, safe and inclusive. We are also committed to alleviating any financial barriers to program participation.

As such, our annual membership fee remains at a low cost of $25 per individual with autism. Membership gives participants the ability to submit registration requests for CAN programs.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors and community partners, many of our programs are offered at no cost.

These include Family Events, Active, Multisport, Monthly & Weekly Youth & Adult programs.

Programs that do come with a fee are highly subsidized. For example, our six-week Skate program is $30.

CAN programs are unique in the level of support that is provided. Participants can be paired with trained staff and volunteers on a 1:1 ratio or higher, as needed. This high level of support ensures that lessons can be adapted to each participant’s needs.

Find more information on program fees by visiting CAN program webpages.

In addition to accessing programs at little to no cost, individuals with autism (ages 6-18) can use their Autism Funding to pay membership and program fees.

Learn more in our Program Policies & Payment Options webpage.

Individuals or families in need of additional financial assistance with CAN membership or program fees can request a fee reduction or waiver through the CAN Fee Assistance Program.

To request a fee reduction or waiver, email or call 604-685-4049.

An office staff from our membership team will be happy to assist you!

Aug 1, 2019

To help you or a participant succeed in our programs, keep your online account up-to-date.

Canucks Autism Network (CAN)’s on-site program staff prepares for participants enrolled into programs by reviewing each participant’s information in the participant’s online account. This includes information relating to a participant’s communication, sensory sensitivities, behaviour supports, medical concerns, and contact information. Since this is inputted during the initial account set-up, participants who have been members with CAN for a year or more become out-of-date. As a result, CAN staff may be preparing support plans for participants with outdated information. To ensure a participant’s success, we recommend members to review and update their account information at least once a year prior to registration.

Having an updated account will help staff build rapport with participants!

On Star Wars and the Millenium Falcon | Image via

“I sit with all the program staff to review all the participant information gathered through their online accounts. I match and pair support workers (staff in blue t-shirts) based on those conversations and the skill sets that I see in my staff team.

One team member noticed in the profile that a participant was a huge Star Wars fan. As this staff member was determined to build rapport with the participant, the staff went home and learned all they could about Star Wars.

When it came time to float two weeks into the program, the participant was not engaged.

Our prepared staff suggested, “You might want to practice floating on your back in case the Millennium Falcon flew over!”

While it took a few more weeks, more Star Wars references, and other supports, the Millennium Falcon moment was the key rapport building moment that could not have happened if we had not received up-to-date information about the participant’s likes or dislikes.”

– CAN Support Team (Onsite Supervisor)

How do I update my account information?

  1. Log into your account at
  2. Click on the My Account tab.
  3. Click on the Edit button next to a participant’s name.
  4. Review all information, especially the Participant Questions field.
  5. Once all fields have been reviewed and updated, click the green Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen.
  6. If you are a parent or guardian updating your account, we also encourage you to click the Edit button next to your name, and review and update your account information, including Contact, Address, and Emergency Contact.

If you have any questions about this process, or would like assistance, please contact us at


Jun 28, 2019

Our current strategic plan (2016-2021) directs us to expand all of our core programming into 5 target areas in British Columbia- Greater Vancouver, Kelowna, Kamloops, Nanaimo and Victoria.

Expanding our core programs into all of these cities allows us to support a large number of families living with autism across British Columbia.

Our current strategic plan also directs us to ensure that we have targeted efforts to build capacity by offering training in all communities across BC.  The CAN team regularly travels to all areas of the province to deliver workshops.  To connect with our training team/request a workshop, please visit:

We will beginning the process of revising and updating our strategic plan throughout 2020.  Stay tuned for future plans for program expansion.

You can find more information at or reach out to us directly at:

May 30, 2019

There are many ways to get involved with Canucks Autism Network – here are 5 ways:

1. Stay Informed of our Upcoming Events

  • Stay up-to-date on CAN programs, registration dates, and upcoming events by reading the CAN Family Newsletter (sent via email in the first week of every month)
  • Get inspired by member stories and learn about upcoming fundraisers by subscribing to Because of YOU, our FREE quarterly donor newsletter. Simply select “Donor/Family Success Stories” in our newsletter sign-up form.
  • Check out our Upcoming Events for ways to support CAN in your community.

2. Fundraise for CAN

Once you’ve subscribed to our newsletter, you will hear about all the exciting events that involve our organization, such as our upcoming CAN Relay 4 Autism.

Canucks Autism Network will be hosting the first-ever CAN Relay 4 Autism on July 20 at Swangard Stadium.

 Join the relay by setting a personal or group goal to walk/run/wheel a chosen number of laps around the track. Collect pledges from friends, family members, and/or colleagues to help reach your fundraising goal!

If you have your own idea for a fundraiser, we’d love to hear about it! Please submit a Special Events Application form.

3. Join our Events Team

We are always looking to add staff to our fun and dynamic events team! If you have events, sales, customer service or fundraising experience, or if you are interested in educating the public about Canucks Autism Network, we’d love to have you onboard. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, guardian, sibling, or friend of a CAN family, we’d love to hear from you!

If you are interested in volunteering, check out our Volunteer Page or submit a volunteer application today. If you are interested in a paid position, please fill out this Event Staff application.

4. Sponsor a Program or Event

Connect your brand name with a leading BC-based autism charity. Our sponsorship program provides companies with customized integrated marketing opportunities and exposure to diverse audiences. Aligning your business with CAN will strengthen your company’s position in the marketplace and potentially broaden your customer base.

If you are interested in a sponsorship opportunity, please contact Ryan Yao, Director of Strategic Partnerships:

5. Start a Cause Marketing Campaign

If you operate a local business, there are numerous ways we CAN create a mutually beneficial relationship. Whether through point of sale purchases, percentage of sales, employee engagement programs, and/or special events, your organization can enjoy the intrinsic fulfillment and brand benefits associated with cause marketing.

If you’d like to chat about cause marketing opportunities, please contact Anna Da Cunha, Development Coordinator:



Apr 25, 2019

Why is registration open for a short period of time?

The registration process

The majority of program registrations open on a Monday at noon, and close five-days later on Friday at noon. While registration is open, requests submitted are Pending, meaning that program spots are not available on a first-come, first-served basis. After registration closes, we review and update requests received, and notify participants of their registration status within 7 days of registration closing.

Reason for Pending Enrolment

We use this Pending Enrolment process as it allows us to accommodate as many individuals with autism as possible into our programs. It also helps to reduce stress associated with first-come, first-served registration, including those not comfortable with the computer, or those who experience technical difficulties, and those who are unable to register right when registration opens because of work or other commitments.

Reason for short registration period

Registration is open for a short period because we use the Pending Enrolment process. With all requests pending, we like to follow up with our members as soon as possible regarding the status of their requests, allowing them to begin planning their upcoming schedules.

Similar We Heard You posts:
Who gets into programs?
Why are programs offered at less than ideal times of the week?

Apr 1, 2019

When we have a new member sign up with us, their first question is usually, how do I sign up for programs? (re: through your online account during the program registration).

The next question is:

How do I know when program registration is taking place?

Five-day registration periods take place throughout the year for each program. 

To stay informed about upcoming registration periods, keep an eye on the following resources that announce registration periods for each program:

  • Monthly Email Newsletter | This newsletter is sent at the start of each month, and outlines the programs that are opening for registration that month.

  • Seasonal Program Guides | These guides are published quarterly and provide members a seasonal view of all programs taking place, and when registration will occur.

Seasonal Program Guide Month Published*
Fall (September – December) August
Winter (January – March) November
Spring (April – June) February
Summer (July – August) April/May


Program Seasons Programs Run Month that Registration Takes Place*
Weekly Programs Fall, Winter, Spring Fall – August

Winter – November

Spring – February

Monthly Youth and Young Adult Programs Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer 2nd week of each month
Family Events Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Take place throughout the year – check the e-newsletter and program guides
Summer Day and Overnight Camps Summer April/May

*Subject to change – keep an eye on the monthly newsletter to stay up-to-date on registration periods

  • CAN website | This is a great place to find out more about the programs that CAN offers, and you’ll also be able to access recent seasonal program guides and newsletters for a snapshot of current programs and registrations.

Have other questions about registration? See our FAQ.

Mar 2, 2019

In order to provide a consistent, supportive, safe and fun environment in which participants of all abilities thrive in CAN programs, we train every staff and volunteer.

We share your high expectations for CAN staff and volunteers. Ensuring that our team has the skills, confidence and attitude to support the success and safety of each participant is of utmost importance to us as an organization. Each staff and volunteer on-boarded to our team receives training specific to their role.

All staff and volunteers:

  • Autism and neurodiversity
  • CAN program and participant policies and procedures
  • Strategies for supporting positive behaviour in sports and recreation


  • Program specific, curriculum-related training offered seasonally

Support Team:

  • Additional training related to supporting staff and volunteers, delivering feedback, collaborating with parents and advanced behaviour support strategies
  • Training to create and implement Behaviour Support Plans for participants
  • Safety-Care™ Training (crisis prevention, de-escalation, managing dangerous behaviour)
  • Specific seasonal training addressing current topics and issues

CAN is committed to providing ongoing professional development opportunities for all staff and volunteers. In addition to receiving initial training during on-boarding, staff and volunteers receive training offerings in the CAN Newsletter on a regular basis. Some examples of training recently offered include:

  • Standard First Aid Training with CPR A/C & AED (16 hours)
    • Delivered in partnership with Pacific First Aid
  • Safety-Care™ Training (8 hours):
    • Delivered in partnership with QBS, Inc.
    • Crisis prevention training that teaches a variety of supportive interaction strategies
  • safeTALK Training (3 hours):
    • Delivered in partnership with LivingWorks
    • Suicide-alert helper preparedness training:
  • CAN Youth & Young Adult Program Training (2 hours):
    • Supportive interaction strategies for the unique needs of youth and young adults
  • CAN Support Strategies Training (2 hours):
    • Topics include enhancing communication, increasing motivation and predictability, and using visual supports
  • All Youth Matter Inclusion Training (4 hours):
    • Delivered in partnership with viaSport
    • Tools, techniques and best practices to create inclusive sport, recreation and physical activity experiences for youth from marginalized populations
  • Introduction to Basic American Sign Language (3 x 3 hours)
    • Delivered in partnership with Queer ASL

We are proud to support the growth and development of the CAN team and we strive to dynamically identify areas for growth in our staff and volunteer teams. Our training is always evolving with feedback from families and program observations. If you identify an area in which you believe our team could improve or have an area of expertise you would like to share, please reach out to us with your input.

We believe our programs are strongest when we work together to achieve our shared vision and we welcome your feedback.

Have a question? Contact: