We Heard You: How do I stay informed about upcoming programs and registration dates?

Dec 6, 2020

Welcome to the family! You are now a Canucks Autism Network member.

You’ve completed your membership account by submitting your proof of diagnosis, photos of you and your family members, and annual fee.

So, how do you know when programs and registration dates are coming up?

Here’s a few tips to ensure that you’re informed about all of CAN’s programs:

1. Check out this month’s registrations in the monthly newsletter | canucksautism.ca/newsletter

Monthly newsletters will contain all the relevant information to guide you through a successful registration process. This newsletter is sent at the start of each month, and outlines the programs the top section highlights what is opening for registration that month. You’ll notice that you can easily add a registration reminder on your device so that you don’t forget to submit a registration request when the registration opens:

AddEvent Calendar Reminder
Example taken from November 2019 newsletter
Click the “Add to Calendar” button to successfully add a reminder in your event calendar on your device.

2. Registration Portal | canucksautism.ca/registration*

When in doubt, check the registration portal! The registration portal is your go-to hub for upcoming programs and registration. It will indicate the current season, upcoming season, and have links to all the necessary resources to help guide you through program registration.

*TIP: Favourite, star, or bookmark canucksautism.ca/registration in your browser so you’re always one click away from being up-to-date.

3. Program Guide | canucksautism.ca/guide**

These guides are published quarterly and provide members a seasonal view of all programs taking place, and when registration will occur.

Seasonal Program Guide Month Published*
Fall (September – December) August
Winter (January – March) November
Spring (April – June) February
Summer (July – August) April/May

*subject to change

**TIP: Visit canucksautism.ca/guide and it will always direct you to the latest Program Guide. Bookmark this page so you don’t forget the link!

4. Social Media

Canucks Autism Network’s active social media accounts are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin. Follow our accounts for registration reminders, photos from our programs across BC, partner events (that are not typically listed in the Program Guide), and more!


Related posts:
When does registration take place?
Why is registration open for a short period? 
Why are programs offered at non-ideal times? 
Who gets into programs? 
How do I prepare for CAN programs? 
Sharing program concerns

Have other questions about registration? See our FAQ.