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We recognize a growing need to support the mental health of Autistic youth & adults.

Mental Health

At Canucks Autism Network (CAN), we believe that positive change is achieved through shared knowledge, partnership and collective capacity.

Home » Training & Accessibility Consultation » Mental Health

In 2021, CAN conducted interviews, surveys, and focus groups with Autistic youth & adults to hear directly about their mental health needs. 92% indicated a need for support, but only 40% indicated that they had adequate access to services.

The development and delivery of workshops and training have been led by a mix of CAN staff, community partners, clinicians, self-advocates & facilitators with lived experience.

Interested autism training or accessibility consultation for your organization or know a organization/business that you would love to see trained? Inquire here!


Supporting Autistic Mental Health in the Workplace: FREE online training

Developed in partnership with Autism Nova Scotia (ANS), this training module is for HR professionals & employers who are looking to improve mental health supports for Autistic job seekers & employees.

  • FREE for anyone to access
  • 90 mins (3 modules), online & self-paced

Gain a better understanding of autism, neurodiversity, mental health and how to support Autistic individuals. Topics include:

  • Issues that Autistic individuals encounter in the workplace
  • Creating an accepting workplace (low-cost or no-cost strategies that benefit the well-being of all employees)
  • Identifying & responding to mental health crises (directing employees to mental health resources and employee benefits)

Take the course >>

Developed with a group of advisors from Ontario, Nova Scotia & BC, including Autistic advocates, inclusive employers & clinicians.

Mental Health Resource Scan with Autism Nova Scotia

In 2021, we teamed up with Autism Nova Scotia (ANS) for a national scoping review to better understand the underlying challenges of mental health and employment for Autistic adults.

CAN further collaborated with ANS on a resource scan to identify barriers that Autistic individuals may encounter when trying to access publicly funded mental health services, and where further training and resources for service providers may be required. The findings pointed to significant barriers related to criteria, cost, and access, as well as major gaps in knowledge and training of mental health professionals.

Access the report summary >>

Autism Training
For community service providers

Foundry BC is a provincial leader in providing mental health support for youth.

With support from Autistic youth & mental health professionals, CAN helped develop vital training for Foundry’s peer support workers to better understand the unique needs of Autistic individuals.

Learn more >

  • We want to hear from you!

    Want to learn more about mental health resources for Autistic individuals? Interested in booking a customized workshop? Know an organization who would benefit from training?

    Email our Sr. Manager of Mental Health & Wellness Initiatives Sarah Armstrong!

  • CAN mental health & wellness programs

    Learn more about workshops, programs and opportunities for Autistic youth & adults to explore, better understand & support their own mental health!  >>