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We are proud to provide autism training to the first responder community

First Responders

First responders are 7 times more likely to interact with an individual on the autism spectrum.

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Individuals on the autism spectrum are seven times more likely to interact with first responders in an emergency setting. Yet most first responders are not trained on how to recognize autism or utilize effective support strategies in crisis situations.

Canucks Autism Network supports the first responder community by providing training that aims to increase confidence and effectiveness of responses in situations involving autistic individuals.

Interested autism training or accessibility consultation for your organization or know a organization/business that you would love to see trained? Inquire here!


  • Live Training

    Canucks Autism Network delivers live workshops to hundreds of first responders each year across the province.

    Contact us to book a customized training for your team. Build skills and confidence through a series of application exercises.


FREE Online Training

Learn more about autism and strategies that work. The Canucks Autism Network E-Learning Module for First Responders was created with the guidance of a team of subject matter experts, including representatives from police, fire, emergency health services and search and rescue.

This powerful online tool consists of a 1-hour interactive course and was generously funded by the Ministry of Children & Family Development (MCFD).

Take the course.

Online Resources

Get started by reviewing our helpful Tip Sheets below, created with the support of our First Responder Advisory Committee. 


Firefighter father of child on the autism spectrum innovates training for first responders

“What we learned is had they had the training at this time, by their own admission, the calls would have gone drastically different and would have had a much more positive and successful outcome.”

The training Wilson helped develop focuses on teaching first responders to recognize social behaviours associated with autism or with people who are not “neuro-typical,” Wilson said. Full Story

“North Shore Rescue’s collaboration with Canucks Autism Network has allowed our team to ensure we are providing inclusive emergency services. 

CAN’s partnership has boosted our team’s level of preparedness so that we can confidently respond to any community call out.  

Entering the field armed with accurate information and proper knowledge is vital to our team’s success. 

Thank you CAN for being a valuable community resource.”

– Mike Danks, Team Leader, North Shore Rescue

Training Feedback

Have you recently completed a workshop with Canucks Autism Network? We’d love to hear your thoughts. If you’d like to share your feedback,  please fill out this Training Feedback form.