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We are proud to provide autism training to employers and service providers who support Autistic job seekers.

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Canucks Autism Network provides autism training to employers who are interested in inclusive hiring, and to service providers who support Autistic job seekers in finding employment.

For those interested in free online training, check out these e-learning modules, designed for employers and service providers to support Autistic job seekers and employees:

  1. Autism & Neurodiversity in the Workplace
    Module 6: Practical Information for Employment Support Staff
  2. Supporting Autistic Mental Health in the Workplace

Interested autism training or accessibility consultation for your business or know a organization/business that you would love to see trained? Inquire here!


Live Training

Are you an employer interested in the benefits of inclusive employment? We’d love to connect with you!

We offer live and virtual training workshops as well as free e-learning modules designed to teach employers practical strategies on how to support Autistic job seekers and employees.

Contact us to book a customized training for your team or access free training modules.

Autism & Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Autism and Neurodiversity in the Workplace is a professional development program designed to assist human resource professionals, employment support staff, employers, supervisors, managers, and co-workers, Autistic employees and anyone interested in inclusive employment to learn practical strategies on how to support neurodivergent job seekers and employees to be successful.

Practical Information for Employment Staff is an online professional development opportunity developed in partnership with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism (CIRCA) at UBC, and WorkBC! This module is designed specifically to assist Employment Support Staff to better support Autistic individuals at every phase of the job seeking process. The course material corresponds to commonly used phrases in employment counselling: Plan, Prepare, Pursue, and Position.

Length: 45 minutes
Cost: Free!
Format: Online and self-paced

Note: Practical Information for Employment Support Staff is module 6 of CIRCA’s Autism and Neurodiversity in the Workplace program. Module 1 (Understanding Autism in the Workplace) is a prerequisite to module 6. Modules 2 to 6 can be taken in any order. It is highly recommended that learners take all six modules. The entire program (Modules 1-6) approximately takes 3 hours.

Take this course >> 

Supporting Autistic Mental Health in the Workplace

Developed in partnership with Autism Nova Scotia (ANS),  Supporting Autistic Mental Health in the Workplace is for HR professionals and employers who are looking to improve mental health supports for Autistic job seekers and employees.

This training module was developed with a group of advisors from Ontario, Nova Scotia and British Columbia, including Autistic advocates, inclusive employers, and clinicians.

With a focus on understanding and responding to mental health needs, best practices and supports to promote mental wellbeing, employers will learn concrete strategies to support Autistic team members.

Topics include:

  • Understanding Autism, Neurodiversity & Mental Health (issues that Autistic individuals encounter in the workplace)
  • Creating an Accepting Workplace (low-cost or no-cost strategies that benefit the well-being of all employees)
  • Identifying & Responding to Mental Health Crises (directing employees to mental health resources and employee benefits)

Length: 90 minutes
Cost: Free!
Format: Online and self-paced
Note: Supporting Autistic Mental Health in the Workplace consists of 3 modules that must be completed in order.

Take the course >>

Ready to hire?

Ready, Willing & Able (RWA) is a national initiative that engages, educates and supports employers to hire people on the autism spectrum or with an intellectual disability.

Canucks Autism Network is a RWA partner, co-delivering the program with Inclusion BC in British Columbia.

Funded by the Government of Canada’s Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities, RWA is a national partnership initiative of Inclusion Canada and Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance and their member organizations.

Learn more about RWA >>

Training Feedback

Have you recently completed a workshop with Canucks Autism Network? We’d love to hear your thoughts. If you’d like to share your feedback,  please fill out this Training Feedback form.